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Versiona Thyssen 2022

A young competition that plays with concepts and experimentation.

Design Lead: Carmen Mata

Client: Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza

For another year, we have had the opportunity to design the graphic system for the young art event Versiona Thyssen, from National Museum Thyssen Bornemisza. A youth competition that proposes to make versions of some of their most famous pieces with no restrictions in terms of technique: from photography, to 3D, performance, painting, etc.

Our main goal was to create a system that helped the museum to visually communicate with a younger approach to a target between 17 to 35 years old.

As in 2021, this year we also decided to evolve the graphic system we had so far. We started from the concept of the version as something that evolves and changes its form of presentation with respect to the form of the original.

Based on this idea, we created a graphic system that initially has a simpler form with a sans-serif typography and a static image and that becomes corrupted towards a pixel typography and a more complex distorted image.

This year, the edition was also international, so all the pieces were adapted to both Spanish and English.

Physical events took place for the three editions, combining them with online streaming. The new brand was applied to a wider environment using screens, some prints, providing a more impactful effect.